Sunday 19 April 2015

Storms, Ghosts and a Wax Limb Oddysey

Oil Vats below kitchen at Convent of Christ
It’s official. Hugo hates storms! If there was a prize for the world’s most shaky dog Hugo would have won by a mile. We arrived in Tomar in central Portugal and had been on a long walk around town (where I purchased yet another Fado album, this time by Ana Moura  - fabulous by the way) and we hunkered down for the night when this almighty storm came out of nowhere. Massive lightning followed by huge cracks of thunder preceded the extreme shivering of one terrified dog. Luckily it didn’t last too long and the next day was fine enough for our explore around the Convent of Christ at the top of the hill. It’s a UNESCO world heritage site and quite stunning, from it’s gigantic oil vats in the kitchen to it’s OTT Charola painted with saints, demons and all you can imagine of a religious bent.
Convent of Christ Charola
That's what I call a Dining Room - Convent of Christ

Fatima stalls
anyone for a wax limb?
We’d had a couple of days spent checking out a medieval village called Marvao and a prehistory musem in Macao. Marvao, similar to Monsaraz, had amazing views but we didn’t stay due to a gigantic French van parking so close to us that we could barely open our doors. We were safe from overly proximatous Frenchmen in Macao as we were the only ones there and spent the day having a tour of the museum by a very enthusiastic archaeologist called George. It was he who suggested Tomar for the convent and the Foz Coa Valley for more prehistoric art.
Exterior View - Convent of Christ

We’re heading up there now after a flying visit to Fatima for some wax limbs and a few glow-in-the-dark virgins, and a night at Monsanto, one of our favourite places so far. We’re pretty sure Hugo is psychic as he was barking and growling madly at the door of an empty chapel in Monsanto – obviously had seen a ghost – or perhaps a rat – who knows.

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