Showing posts with label Isla Del Mar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isla Del Mar. Show all posts

Sunday, 31 December 2023

Sea, Sand, and Sandwiches

 With the aroma of freshly laundered towels wafting around the van, we headed for our next destination by a beach just outside Santander. Isla Del Mar has sand, rocks, and a very wild sea. I would have liked a New Year’s Eve swim but wasn’t keen on the risk of being swept into the Atlantic by a giant wave. See below…

A trifle rough

Parts of the beach are ok while the tide is out and Hugo found it the perfect place to be snooty and not play with the other dogs. He contented himself with following Mr Fluffy around like the loyal companion he is.

‘Wait for me…’

I’ll show you my bottom if you so wish to sniff it…

Meanwhile, we spotted a chapel on a hill dedicated to the Virgin Del Mar. On our way up to visit, the wind certainly played havoc with my lustrous locks and the fluffy one’s hair took on a life of it’s own - even more so than usual. Contained within this simple white building is a gilded altar complete with virgin and baby Jesus (for Navidad purposes only)

Chapel of Virgin Del Mar

The lady herself

Feliz Navidad

This parking area comes complete with Taberna Bambara, an inexpensive (despite the view) cafe restaurant that serves the largest tortilla sandwiches I’ve come across. I managed to consume it in its entirety - with a little help from the boys. 

Happy New Year, everyone
Oh my, what a big one…

A Soggy Return

It wasn’t the welcome home we expected - torrential rain, flooding, and giant potholes in pretty much every road we drove on today. Ugh! The...