A touch of colour on a grey morning |
What a shocker to wake up to zero degrees this morning. I suppose that’s what comes from parking by a lake in the middle of nowhere. We’ve had days of sunshine parked up by a sparkly fairytale church
Sparkly church |
(where the fluffy one reversed into a tree), a pootling river, and a sanctuary of the virgin -
Sanctuary at Oliveira de Azeméis |
of course.
A Snuggly Dickie |
A chilly lake |
A place for water nymphs |
We are in Bragança in the Trás-os-Montes area of Portugal today and the fog is well and truly coming down from the mountains. Last night we were alone by the Baragem (dam) Azibo. It was quiet and, not surprisingly, watery. When we arrived in Bragança today we were the first ones here. Now there are about a dozen other vans but we don’t care as we have had yet another of our most fabulous meals on the trip so far just inside the walls of the old city.
Castle walls |
Supposedly Iron Age boar with 15th century pillory |
If you ever find yourself here go to Tasca Do Ze Tuga for a traditional Portuguese meal of octopus, pork, or (as our French neighbours had) wild boar stew.
More dragon/octopus |
Who knew olive pie could be so yummy |
Tomorrow - back to Spain.