Showing posts with label Camino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camino. Show all posts

Saturday, 11 January 2020

Santiago, Swans and Seaplanes

Clear skies at last
As we drove through the Spanish Pyrenees to St Jean Pied de Port we noticed a few pilgrims emerging from the fog as they walked along the Camino to Santiago. It reminded me of the fluffy one  appearing out of the fog as I met him in Roncesvalles after the first leg of his walk 16 years ago. He chose February 16th, my birthday, to head off on his walk so the weather was actually worse than this. I hope they make it to the end because I would not last a day walking in this.
Through the reeds
It feels like the fog has followed us all the way from Bragança until we arrived by the lake here in the French village of Gastes today. The sun is shining and boats are pootling around between swans, fishermen, and the occasional seaplane that has been keeping all of us visitors amused during the day. Hugo has enjoyed a few swims in this relatively balmy 15 degree temperature as well.
Modelling the new shoes

Swan Lake

Dickie does Aquatic
As I’m sitting here in Dickie the sky is turning a soft shade of pink and the temperature has dropped to 13 degrees. Time to get the heating on and plan tomorrow’s stop. It looks like an ornithological park on a lake about an hour away. Sigh.
Hot pink action 

A Soggy Return

It wasn’t the welcome home we expected - torrential rain, flooding, and giant potholes in pretty much every road we drove on today. Ugh! The...