Thursday, 6 November 2014

Welcome Hugo

At last I have succeeded in getting Graham to agree to rescuing a small dog to travel with us in Dickie. After much searching on the internet and one unsuccessful visit to the Rspca in Cornwall (Graham liked a dog but I wasn't too keen), we happened upon a photo of a chorkie (chihuahua- Yorkshire terrier cross) called Hugo at the National Animal Welfare Trust in Somerset. 

As Graham was going to be in the area he agreed to have a look and immediately fell in love with this scruffy little chap with the huge eyes and slightly foxy face. I saw him a few days later and within seconds I knew he was the dog for us. He's not the prettiest dog in the world but he has so much character and cuteness we couldn't resist. A couple of weeks (and a lot of chicken wire around the back garden) later he arrived and has settled in so well. Graham actually thanked me for forcing him to get a dog as he is now totally besotted with him. I can barely get a look in!
Photo from NAWT in Somerset

Yesterday he had his rabies shot and we have his passport in readiness for his trip to Europe with us over winter. He coped rather well with his first trip to the supermarket in Dickie although he spent the first ten minutes shaking like a leaf. He settled down and I think he'll be fine once we can arrange the best place for him to sit while we're moving. We're checking out doggie seat belts today. 

Thursday, 23 October 2014

New Travelling Companion

Eeeek! It looks like we may be getting a new companion to travel with in Dickie. We have reserved a rescue dog (chihuahua cross yorkshire terrier) and we hope to have him with us next week. He should be just the right size for Dickie and, hopefully, won't suffer from travel sickness. Will post some pics when all is complete and he's moved in.

Favorite Pics Part 2

Wow it's so busy being retired. Have just snatched a few minutes to put some more of our photos up. These are ones that we find particularly lovely and we may have not put on the original blog.
Gormley statue in Mo-I-Rana Norway

Dickie from a distance in Tanumshede Sweden

this girl's first fishing trip and she caught a giant halibut - Norway

Mr Fluffy loving the Brocken steam railway

Tollund Man Silkeborg Museum Denmark

busy traffic along the Mosel Valley

witchy water tower in Ellezelles Belgium

4 year old knights on a giant horse Ath Belgium
We love being in Dickie! We get to see some amazing things happening on our wonderful European and Scandinavian doorstep. We highly recommend travelling through Scandinavia especially as they are so motor home friendly up there - yes it's expensive but you save on accommodation/parking charges in most areas as you can just park for free. Take your own booze though.....

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Favourite Photos - part one

Alone on Donna
Aaaah the joys of motorhoming. We love finding out of the way places, often with thanks to the wildcamping website and All the Aires book which we have found invaluable on our trip around Europe. We've also used the German Bord Atlas and Nordic Camper for our Scandinavian hop. There are some very handy translation apps on the iPad to help make sense of these books if you don't happen to speak Norwegian. Mine's a little rusty to say the least.

Yesterday, I was going through my photos with a couple of friends who are about to head off on their own adventure in their new(ish) Hymer 680. There were a few lovely ones there so I decided to do a compilation of my favourite ones. Don't worry I'm not going to put the total 1000 or so on my phone on this blog. I have a few favourites that I thought some of you might like to check out.
At last - Donna
the gorgeous Geraingerfjord Norway
one of the many Norwegian bridges

Kristiansund fishing harbour
copper shining on the stave church Norway

just stand right there.....
interior of an old Norwegian house

angelic swans

in the middle of town - Fjallbacka

Tanumshede sweden - phallic rock carving

carved figure Ribe Cathedral, Denmark

a foot in each sea - Skagen Denmark


Monday, 8 September 2014

Back and Busy

We've been back a week now and have been busy decorating my cottage so it looks fresh and bright for whoever buys it. This blog has been neglected due to the fact we get in after a day's painting and all we want to do is plonk on the sofa and vegetate. There are a couple of videos of the Ath giants that need to be added to the blog but it's quiz night at the Welly tonight so that may have to wait till tomorrow.
can I go now?
Mr Fluffy has been working hard but managed to get a few hours off to go kayaking. Unfortunately he got seasick and was wiped out for the rest of the day. I have now employed the services of a local handy man to help finish off the painting as we feel it is a bit too much for our old bones. The cottage is looking rather gorge though so hopefully it will sell soon.
Will take some pics today and pop them on.
removing pink to go all white

at last a rest

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Thank you For Your Voice

We are now back on British soil and staying in Deal for a few days to spend time with our friends Suzi and Scott Roberts who run the Dining Club here. Last night we went to Broadstairs and popped in to a Pub that happened to be holding a folk night. There were several furtive glances in Graham's direction and after a while a woman came up to him, shook his hand and said 'thanks for your voice'. 

Now Graham has been known to sing the odd ditty or two but we presume it was a case of mistaken identity. The Fluffster became a tad stressed and urged us to leave quite quickly in case he was asked to sing and disappointed an entire room of eager Folkies.

So who does Graham look like? What an amusing night. 

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Giants, Devils and Pussies

Sunday morning began at 7am with a roman legion, a group of pirates, and a marching band filing past Dickie. It should have felt weird but after the last couple of days of giants, devils and burning underpants it felt somehow normal. The parade started at 945am so we walked our five minutes into town and found a great spot at the start of the action by 9 o'clock.
brave children

By 1215 we had seen:
a two headed eagle ridden by a three year old bespectacled child with a red feather in his cap;
a giant horse propelled by 16 men hidden in its skirt and ridden by 4 more three year olds this time wearing faux armour;
A number of beautifully decorated floral floats complete with people of various ages wearing costumes from different eras;
several brass bands complete with twirling baton girls;
and five more giants;
....oh and the devil and a savage were there too.
What a hoot!

In true Mr Fluffy form, he was approached by a Belgian radio presenter to do an on air interview about his thoughts on the parade. Quickly mentioning he didn't speak French, the interviewer continued in English and we presume the Fluffster has been beamed live into the radios of several Belgian households spouting forth about the fabulousness of our stay in Ath. He was very excited to learn we had come especially to see Les Geants. The people of Ath are, rightly, very proud of their tradition.

Several times during the parade we were amused to note that a kitten had an even better view of the proceedings than we did. Its owners held it at the window above the action and it stared in awe as the giants twirled around, their hair swinging out almost close enough for it to touch. It's face was a picture.

Fond memories of Ath and its wonderful Geants will stay with us. Thanks to Julia Bovey and Martin Dean who, via Facebook, alerted us to it. It was great to see you all.

Not yet having our fill of strange creatures we headed off to Ellezelles, apparently the birth place of Hercule Poirot no less. I read in the tourist brochures that this town holds a witches' sabbat every June and that there is a 'Sentiers de L'Etrange' (Strange Walk) in the area. A local folklorist and artist, Watkyne, had set up this walk many years ago and has placed strange artworks related to local folklore along the way. It was a very cool walk through some lovely countryside, dotted with a devil playing a violin and numerous other forest fairy folk. The whole town was devoted to a 'sorciere' theme with many shops sporting witches in their windows. The church even had a giant topiary witch, complete with black cat, out the front.

Giant in the museum and me with bad hair

Mrs Goliath at her wedding

The Archer  being 'attended to'.

Victory watched by a pussy in the window


For the last two days we have been heading back to Calais for the ferry home on Wednesday. It's been pouring with rain but it's been nice to snuggle down in Dickie and listen to the rain pelt down on the roof. We are now at the Aire by the ferry port and watching some rather dodgy characters eyeing up the vans. Or Maybe it's just me being paranoid.

A Soggy Return

It wasn’t the welcome home we expected - torrential rain, flooding, and giant potholes in pretty much every road we drove on today. Ugh! The...