Saturday, 17 May 2014

Britstops R Us

Last night we wandered through the grounds of Longleat and one of the team recommended a lovely walk through the woods. It was beautiful - deer, squirrels, birds and Lord Bath’s works of art. And what a lovely sunset – what more could one ask for?
Kerriann drove Dickie today from the Caravan Club site at Longleat to a very attractive Brit Stop at the Cider farm at Burley. I love this place and it’s free!

For those of you who do not know about Brit Stops, it is a listing of Pubs, Farm shops and attractions that kindly let motor homes stay overnight. There is no obligation on the part of the motor-homer to purchase anything but we always do. I love the trust and generosity of the people that participate in this scheme and am sure that they will reap both commercial and  karmic rewards. This (Burley) Brit Stop has given us a lovely field plot and we have donated £2 for an electric hook-up. We have purchased (and consumed) two bottles of the cider made here along with some very tasty bread, cheese and chutney. Julie from the cider shop is thinking of purchasing a motor home and visited us for a guided tour of Dickie. We hope she’ll get as addicted to this pursuit as we have. I have managed to get online in the field – thanks BT Fon!

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah, youre on your way - lots of photos please ! Have fun! Adele x


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