Sunday 1 December 2019

A Truffly Visit

Who doesn’t love a truffle? Well, me but I do enjoy a truffle market that sells other stuff too. We’ve been lucky enough to stay with our friend, Carleen, in Richerenches in the Vaucluse region of France. Step outside her house on a Saturday and you can pick up veges, cheese, honey and wine within a few steps of her front door. What joy!
Les truffes 

A meaty feast

More truffles 
The local wine cellar, Le Cellier des Templiers, had a duck tasting on Saturday - yes, only in France would a wine merchant have a day celebrating the humble duck. We were treated to complimentary fois gras (average) Maigret (cooked duck breast - pretty good), dried duck (noice) and duck sausage (excellent).
A ducky day
Hugo was thrilled with this activity as was his little french friend Elvis the Yorkiepoo. In fact, Hugo refused to eat anything else but canard for the rest of the day, until the guinea fowl for dinner which he managed to consume with great delight. He’s back to Caesar today and is not impressed.


A Soggy Return

It wasn’t the welcome home we expected - torrential rain, flooding, and giant potholes in pretty much every road we drove on today. Ugh! The...